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NYSI TOP Athlete Programme visits Eusoff Hall

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Gabriel Choong, NYSI Physiologist, conducting the beep test.

The National Youth Sports Institute (NYSI) recently took its TOP Athlete Programme to Eusoff Hall, the recently-crowned National University of Singapore (NUS) Inter-Hall Games champion. 

The NYSI TOP Athlete Programme is focused on identifying student-athletes who possess the raw athletic ability to ultimately represent Singapore at international competitions. NYSI will also provide student-athletes a chance to transfer to a different sport if they meet certain benchmarks.

The student-athletes underwent a battery of tests – a 20m sprint, a vertical jump, grip strength, pull ups, and a beep test.

“I think it is a good initiative from NYSI because there are people who do not know of the different avenues to pursue their sporting talents. There are many hidden talents out there with the potential to join the various national set ups. Hence, I feel this is a progressive step,” said Mohammad Ikhsan Bin Awang, a Eusoff Hall student-athlete.

Faith Teo, a secondary four student from St. Margaret’s Secondary School, echoed his sentiments.

“I think it’s quite an interesting take, how NYSI takes people from different sports and transfers them. This programme is based on a wider range of abilities so people can be picked out on a fairer basis,” said Faith.

Based on the results, eight student-athletes met the benchmarks for further testing.

The next round of the TOP Athlete testing is scheduled for 16-17 March at the National Stadium. If you are keen to participate or have any enquiries, kindly contact us Facebook, Instagram or email us at enquire@nysi.org.sg.


Nur Dyana, NYSI Athlete Life Executive, takes a reading at the 20m sprint station. 


Md Ismail Kadir, NYSI Athlete Life Manager, briefs a student-athlete at the 20m sprint station.

rsz_img_7671_copy.jpgMatthew Wylde, NYSI Head of Performance Analytics, conducting the vertical jump station.

rsz_img_7755_copy.jpgDr Esther Chia, NYSI Head of Talent Identification and Development, looks on at the pull up station.