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Performance Pathways Science >
Sport Physiology
Sport Physiology
Sport Physiology is the study of how an athlete’s body structures and functions in response to training and non-training stresses. NYSI’s sport physiologists identify the physical and physiological characteristics that contribute to performance in a particular sport, and the most effective method of maximizing these potential to enhance the likelihood of success. To achieve these, the Sport Physiology Unit provides various high quality physiology support services for carded youth athletes. These include the measurement of physiological variables such as metabolic, cardiovascular, neuromuscular, and anthropometric variables. The Sport Physiology Unit also employs the best possible 'state-of-the-art' equipment for the purposes of athlete assessment and when necessary, designs and produces its own equipment.
National Youth Sports Institute
(NYSI Hub @ Woodlands)
1 Champions Way
Singapore 737913
Singapore 397778